Ziggy Stardust and I
I woke up one morning in another world
And in the last days of it all when rats the size of cats fed on humanoids and the Starman fed on our minds I relished the thought there might be life on Mars as my space oddity pursued every mistake ever made. For this ain’t rock n’ roll; this is genocide: and what happens in my mind is as big as the expansive thought that is space itself and space is only time and time as always is only in the past. So in the last days of it all when we asked if the spiders were from Mars was that seriously also just a figment of digression? Surely some of it all was real?
Where is my childhood? Where does it stay now, in which interstellar galaxy is it being anylysed, in the recesses of my time?
Death is the last dimension but there are still others to be found
This short piece was shamelessly scribed for dversepoets.com, where prompts are opened, discussed and provided three times a week. The form of this prompt is a haibun, a Japanese form of writing that involves (usually) a tight piece of prose and a haiku to finish. Here the requested prompt is that it should be a sci-fi haibun, a highly original notion. I made a stab at stream of consciousness, by not including punctuation to make everything just flow in one solid scramble.
Dversepoets have been around for quite a while. Since 2012 I think, should my memory serve me well.